The Future of AI & Data Security: Why Regulations Matter After reading Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark, I was inspired to explore his insights on AI regulation. In a TEDx talk a few years ago, he highlighted the urgent need for global rules to ensure AI systems align with human values and are not misused. His ideas have influenced many of today’s AI and data security regulations. This reinforces my belief that understanding past, present, and future regulations is crucial for businesses and society. 💡 That’s why I was thrilled…
Category: Oracle Database Security
Learn how to Encrypt Drives using LUKS on Oracle Linux
In this post, we will explore the powerful encryption specification known as the Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS), originally created by Clemens Fruhwirth in 2004. LUKS is designed to secure block devices, making it suitable for encrypting various filesystems, even including swap partitions. We’ll delve into how you can leverage LUKS to enhance the security of your Oracle Linux distribution, which has been distributed by Oracle since late 2006. Discover the key benefits and steps to encrypting your drives with LUKS on Oracle Linux in this post. Encryption is a…
Index WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX Status Unusable After Database Upgrade From 12c To 19c
Upgrading Oracle database 12.2 to 19.10 came with some surprises, and one of them was the invalid status of the index WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX owned by the user SYS. Rebuilding the index helped only temporarily, so I decided to recreate the index by following the procedure below: — Confirmation of the invalid index: — Action plan: For more information, please check the following MOS notes below: Index WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX Status Unusable (Doc ID 2426391.1)WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX Index Does Not Get Partitioned After Database Upgrade From 12c To 19c (Doc ID 2777641.1)Index WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY_INDEX Status Unusable (Doc…
‘Oracle XML Database’ package needs to be properly re-created
O Oracle XML DB é uma feature que possui várias tecnologias que pode auxiliar o DBA quando o assunto é high-performance. No entanto, em alguns casos, seja por um mal upgrade executado anteriormente ou por qualquer outra atividade esta feature se torna inválida e para isso necessitamos executar os seguintes comandos: Oracle XML DB is a feature that has several technologies that can help the DBA to improve high performance. However, in some cases, due to an incorrectly updated executed or any other activity, this resource becomes invalid and…
(RUs) Patch Set Update and Critical Patch Update July 2017 to 12.2
Unlike April’s PSU where Oracle reported that there was no PSU for version 12.2 through the note on Metalink (MOS) (Doc ID 2228898.1): “Patch Availability for Oracle Database There are no Quarterly Security Patches for for the April 2017 cycle as there are in the Database CPU security vulnerabilities, nor any recommended non-security bug fixes applicable at this time. The July 2017 CPU cycle will be the first Quarterly Security Patch cycle for ” For July, the then-mentioned RU is available for download in the note…
[DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD] Os usuários no seu banco de dados estão com a senha padrão de instalação?
Nos dias de hoje é muito fácil encontrar na internet a senha padrão de qualquer usuário Samples schemas na internet. O que são os usuáros Sample schemas? São os usuários que você tem a opção de optar pela criação ou não dos mesmos durante a criação de um determinado banco de dados. Há um tempo atrás, quando estava implementando segurança em um banco de dados, um dos tópicos que eu chequei foi exatamente esse : “Há algum usuário com a senha default de instalação neste banco de dados?”. Por incrível que…
cp $STAGE_AREA/21972320/18203838/files/lib/ $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ cp: $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ Text file busy
Estava aplicando o CPUJan2016 em um banco de dados Oracle quando durante a execução do opatch, recebi o seguinte erro: cp $STAGE_AREA/21972320/18203838/files/lib/ $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ cp: $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ Text file busy O interessante é que na mensagem do próprio erro ele faz uma menção a uma nota do metalink exatamente do tipo de plataforma que eu estava utilizando , AIX. Copy failed from ‘$STAGE_AREA/21972320/18203838/files/lib/’ to ‘$ORACLE_HOME/lib/’… Please verify all applications associated with the Oracle Home ‘$ORACLE_HOME’ are shut down. If this is AIX, please perform solution documented in Note 739963.1 on…
opatch: not found
Uma das atividades ao se aplicar um patch de segurança em um banco de dados é a de validar as variáveis de ambiente (ORACLE%[SID, HOME], PATH) do seu sistema operacional, além de um bom backup e algumas outras validações. No entanto, quando estas validações passam despercebidas, erros acontecem… Abaixo, irei demonstrar um erro que acontece quando o pré-requisito “Validar variáveis de ambiente”, com ênfase na PATH, passa despercebido: O problema é resolvido configurando corretamente a variável PATH… Após isso, reprocessar a execução do patch. A dica que…
Example using sec_case_sensitive_logon to case sensitivity on Oracle Database
Oracle Database has a parameter that you can define case sensitivity on users’s logon. This parameter is called SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON and has default setting to TRUE (enabling case sensitivity). Then, follow an example using this parameter: SQL> conn /as sysdba Connected. SQL>show parameters sec_case NAME TYPE VALUE ——————————- ———- ————————- sec_case_sensitive_logon boolean TRUE SQL> create user brunors identified by techdatabasket; User created. SQL> grant connect, resource, create session to brunors; Grant succeeded. SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON = TRUE: SQL> conn brunors/techdatabasket Connected. SQL> show user USER is “BRUNORS” SQL> conn brunors/TECHDATABASKET ERROR: ORA-01017:…