Uma das atividades ao se aplicar um patch de segurança em um banco de dados é a de validar as variáveis de ambiente (ORACLE%[SID, HOME], PATH) do seu sistema operacional, além de um bom backup e algumas outras validações. No entanto, quando estas validações passam despercebidas, erros acontecem… Abaixo, irei demonstrar um erro que acontece quando o pré-requisito “Validar variáveis de ambiente”, com ênfase na PATH, passa despercebido: O problema é resolvido configurando corretamente a variável PATH… Após isso, reprocessar a execução do patch. A dica que…
Category: Oracle Database General
Configurando o repositório do yum para OLE 5.4
Para configurar o repositório do yum para OLE ( Oracle Enterprise Linux) 5.4 você deve seguir os seguintes passos: 1-cd /etc/yum.repos.d 2-wget 3- Edite o arquivo /etc/yum.repos.d/public-yum-el5.repo , onde os valores [el5_u5_base ] e [ol5_u5_base] são iguais a enabled=0 , mude para 1. Referências: Oracle® Sun Server X2-4 (formerly Sun Fire X4470 M2) Installation Guide for Linux Operating Systems Installing Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel for Linux Using Local or Remote Console brunors
Direct NFS: please check that oradism is setuid
Enquanto eu estava criando uma tablespace usando um NFS (Network File System), eu recebi o seguinte erro “Direct NFS: please check that oradism is setuid” no alertSID.log . Para resolver este problema, eu fiz os seguintes passos: ls -ld $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oradism chmod u+s oradism ou chmod 4755 (Onde o 4 indica SUID bit set, 7 para permissão total para o owner e 55 para permissão de leitura e execução para o grupo e outros) oradism. chown root:root Tente criar a tablespace usando NFS novamente. brunors
Configurando um banco de dados Oracle 11g para usar Bigfile Tablespace
Para configurar um banco de dados para usar Bigfile Tablespace (tipo de tablespace que usa um único datafile chamado bigfile <> smalffile (padrão)) e somente é “locally managed tablespace with automatic segment space management”, você deve seguir os seguintes passos: — Configure o banco de dados para usar BIGFILE TABLESPACE ALTER DATABASE SET DEFAULT BIGFILE TABLESPACE; — Verificaro o tipo de tablespace padrão no banco de dados: SELECT PROPERTY_VALUE FROM DATABASE_PROPERTIES WHERE PROPERTY_NAME = ‘DEFAULT_TBS_TYPE’; — Exemplo para criar uma Bigfile Tablespace: CREATE BIGFILE TABLESPACE BIGTECHDATABASKET DATAFILE ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/bigtechdatabasket.dbf’ SIZE…
Some note from Oracle’s documentation “Applications that spend the majority of CPU time waiting for I/O activity to complete are said to be I/O-bound.Prerequisites for I/O Calibration”. Values to parameters timed_statistics=TRUE “When using file systems, asynchronous I/O can be enabled by setting the FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS initialization parameter to SETALL.” DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO procedure SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE lat INTEGER; iops INTEGER; mbps INTEGER; BEGIN — DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO (<DISKS>, <MAX_LATENCY>, iops, mbps, lat); DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CALIBRATE_IO (2, 10, iops, mbps, lat); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (‘max_iops = ‘ || iops); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (‘latency = ‘ || lat); dbms_output.put_line(‘max_mbps = ‘ ||…
Check/Example Oracle Requirements to Install Software on Oracle Linux 5.4 – 32 bits
— Confirm ssh package rpm -qa |grep ssh — Oracle Linux 5 and 4 yum install oracle-validated Disk Space for Oracle software: Requirement for Software Files (GB) 4.5G + Disk Space for Data Files (GB) 1.7G = 6.2 GB Packages Oracle Linux 5: binutils- compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 elfutils-libelf-0.125 elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125 elfutils-libelf-devel-static-0.125 gcc-4.1.2 gcc-c++-4.1.2 glibc-2.5-24 glibc-common-2.5 glibc-devel-2.5 glibc-headers-2.5 kernel-headers-2.6.18 ksh-20060214 libaio-0.3.106 libaio-devel-0.3.106 libgcc-4.1.2 libgomp-4.1.2 libstdc++-4.1.2 libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 make-3.81 sysstat-7.0.2 OS Groups: 1-OSDBA group (dba) 2-OSOPER (oper) 3- OSDBA group for ASM (asmdba) From Oracle’s documentation “The Oracle Grid Infrastructure software owner (typically, grid) must…
Managing and Creating a Permanent Tablespaces on Oracle Database 11GR2
Some importants notes from Oracle’s documentation: – “… you cannot rename or drop the SYSTEM tablespace or take it offline.” – “As for the SYSTEM tablespace, management of the SYSAUX tablespace requires a higher level of security and you cannot rename or drop it.” Locally Managed Tablespace : Define through the command EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL where you can: – Choose two types of extent management: AUTOALLOCATE: (default) Database manage extents. CREATE TABLESPACE tech01 DATAFILE ‘/u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB/tech01.dbf’ SIZE 100M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL AUTOALLOCATE ; UNIFORM: You define the size on command…
Drop Oracle Database 11g
Drop database by command line $ sqlplus “/as sysdba” SQL> select instance_name, status from v$instance; SQL> shutdown immediate; SQL> startup mount SQL> alter system enable restricted session; SQL> drop database; Drop database by DBCA $cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin $./dbca DBCA-> Click “Delete a Database” -> Select the database name -> Click “Finish” brunors
I was needing to extract DDL for temporary tablespaces on Oracle Database . Then, I took the information about it using a DBMS_METADATA. Thus, follow how to take this information: SQL> set heading off; SQL> set echo off; SQL> set pages 2000 SQL> set long 99999 SQL> spool tablespace_temp.sql SQL> select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLESPACE', tablespace_name) from dba_temp_files; ##HERE WILL BE SHOW TEMPORARY TABLESPACES DLL ABOUT YOUR DATABASE## SQL> spool off I hope this post can help you! See ya, Bruno Reis brunors
Oracle Database has a grant that you can use to connect through another user. For example, I have the use ”A” and I want to connect with this user through the user ''brunors''. It possible to do it, but you need to give the grant connect through to user ''brunors''. I am going to show how it works now.. Let’s go… SQL> create user brunors identified by <brunors’s password here>; User created. SQL> grant connect , resource , create session to brunors; Grant succeeded. SQL> ALTER USER A GRANT CONNECT…