Backing up the Oracle database is always very important. In version 12c, there is the possibility of backing up one or more PDBs. There are two methods to back up the PDB, one is connecting directly as a ROOT in RMAN and using the “BACKUP PLUGGABLE DATABASE” command or the option to connect directly to the PDB through the service and execute the “BACKUP DATABASE” command. So, in this post I will be explaining just how to backup the PDB by connecting as ROOT and using as an example a…


Backing up the Oracle database is always very important. In version 12c, there is a possibility of backing up the ROOT database that has important metadata for the CDB. So, in this post I’ll be illustrating how to backup the ROOT database: 1. Connect to the RMAN catalog: 2- Execute the command BACKUP DATABASE ROOT:   Efetuar o backup do banco de dados Oracle é sempre muito importante. Na versao 12c, há a possibilidade de se efetuar o backup do banco de dados ROOT que possui possui metadados importantes para…

Oracle Database 12c : Common User x Local User

In this post I will be showing you how to create an user in the CDB, what are called “Common Users” (users using the COMMON_USER_PREFIX parameter to set the user prefix at creation time) and then afterwards an user in a PDB called TECHDATABASKET , which are the “Local Users”. 1- Creating Common User in a CDB: 2- Creating Local User in a PD Neste post estarei mostrando simplificamente como criar um usuário no CBD, o que chamados de “Common Users” (usuários que utilizam o parâmetro COMMON_USER_PREFIX para definir o…

Creating a PDB by Cloning a Remote PDB

  In this post I will be showing a simple example of how to create a PDB database through another PDB remotely. CDB database: CBD4 with the PDB database named TECHDATABASKET2 CDB database: CBD3 where the TECHDATABASKET2new PDB will be created using the TECHDATABASKET2 PDB of the CDB4 database. Then here are the examples: 1-The database must be CDB and be connected in the CDB$ROOT: 2- Creating the service entry for the TECHDATABASKET2 PDB in TNSNAMES.ORA and performing some tests: – Adding the entry for the service of the PDB…

Creating a PDB from a local PDB

In this post I will be showing a simple example of how to create a PDB database through a local PDB: Then follow the examples: 1-The database must be CDB and you must be connected in the CDB$ROOT: 2-Create the PDB through the local PDB (which should be open in read-only mode: – As we will be using the PDB TECHDATABASKET in this example, the next step will be to put this PDB in READ ONLY mode: — Como estaremos utilizando o PDB TECHDATABASKET neste exemplo, o próximo passo será…

Creating a PDB database from seed template

In this post I will be showing a simple example of how to create a PDB database from the seed template. Therefore, follow the examples: 1-The database must be CDB and you have to be connected in CDB$ROOT: 2- Create the PDB from seed: 3- Open the new PDB in read/write mode: 4- Check the status of the new PDB:   Neste post estarei mostrando um simples exemplo de como se criar um banco de dados PDB do template seed. Sendo assim, seguem os exemplos:   1-O banco de dados …

Configuring Multiple local_listener

    The configuration of multiple listeners consists of setting up 2 or more listeners for the same database. This is a task that consists of the following steps: 1- Creation of listeners:: 1.1: Listener named X1 on port 1539; 1.1: Listener named X2 on port 1537; 1.2: Initialization of listeners:   2- Create the entries of each listener for the database in tnsnames.ora: Example: Database named cbd4; 2.1: Entries will be created in tnsnames: 2.2: Testing Inputs Inserted: 2- Define the services in the database listener_local parameter of the…

Oracle 12c: Save State in a single instance

The SAVE STATE clause serves to maintain the state of the PDB when the CDB is restarted. For example, if when the CDB was restarted the OPEN_MODE of the PDB was in READ ONLY, then when the CDB will be available the PDB will initialize in READ ONLY state automatically. Saving the state of the PDBS PDBOL and PDBOL_2  through the command “ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE <PDB NAME> SAVE STATE;”: Simulating the unavailability of the CBD: Rebooting the CDB:  See that the PDB states were maintained:  The saved states of the…

“ORA-65011: Pluggable database does not exist” while cloning a NON-CDB into a PDB

I was cloning an Oracle NON-CDB database to a PDB when I get the following error: I checked and the connection to the DB_LINK created to access the NON-CDB was OK: This error happens because you are probably trying to clone a CDB database to a PDB and this can be queried using SQL below: When a database is created as a CDB it can not be a PDB and vice versa. So, I suggest creating a new database, really a NON-CDB, and do the operation again. Eu estava clonando…

Creating a CDB Without Using Oracle Managed Files

The following procedure below aims to create an Oracle 12c database by command line with only the CDB by enabling the ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE = TRUE parameter for a possible creation of PDBs in the future. Therefore, it follows the procedures: Creating database directories and granting permissions to the oracle user: Creating the database pfile with the ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE parameter set to TRUE, this way it will be possible to create PDBs in the future:   Setting the environment variable and initializing the database in NOMOUNT status:   Creation of the database:  …