Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 4

This article is the fourth part of the series of articles on Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps. For a better understanding, I recommend reading the “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usability Approach – Part 1”, “Part 2” and “Part 3” articles before proceeding with the steps in this article. As in the previous article we treated the secure connection of the ATP instance with Oracle SQL Developer using the wallet file of the provisioned instance, in this article we will proceed with the creation of the Linux application…

Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 3

This article is the third part of the series of articles on Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps. For a better understanding, I recommend reading the articles “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 1” and “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 2” before proceeding with the steps of this article. As in the previous article the provisioning of the Oracle Autonomous Database version 18c in the Oracle Cloud was discussed, in this article we will proceed with the use of the…

Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A simple usage approach – Part 2

This article is the second part of the series of articles about Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps. For a better understanding, I recommend reading the article “Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A Simple Usage Approach – Part 1” before proceeding with the steps in this article. As in the previous article the Docker configuration was handled, we will begin to provision the Oracle Autonomous Database version 18c in the Oracle Cloud. – Provisioning the Oracle Autonomous Database in the Cloud: Before provisioning the database it is necessary to create a…

Oracle Autonomous Database and DevOps: A simple usage approach – Part 1

This article explains the creation of an Oracle Autonomous Database instance in the Oracle Cloud for the usage of programmers(some tests examples with some programming languages and Oracle SQL Developer). Let’s build some concept to start: What is the Oracle Autonomous Database? According to Oracle Corp, it is “the first standalone cloud data manager that provides application for patches, upgrades and tuning, including performing maintenance tasks on the database without human intervention.”. In addition, Oracle itself explains 3 features of this new database model that are: According to the Oracle…

On the 4th of June 2019, SWEOUG ( & ORACLE will host a database Meetup.

On the 4th of June 2019, SWEOUG (Swedish Oracle User Group) & ORACLE will host a database Meetup. This FREE event will be held in Stockholm, Vasagatan 7a Centralen, room Clara 1. 13.00 -17.00. Come and meet the Master Product Manager for the Oracle Database, Dominic Giles and the Product Manager for the Oracle Optimizer, Nigel Bayliss. Here are the twitters of the speakers: I really would like to join but I will be travelling to Poland due to some business activities. However, feel free to join! brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a…

Oracle Database 18c: Provisioning the Linux server

In the initial menu of the Oracle Cloud click on “Compute” and later on “Instances”: On the next tab, click the “Create Instance” button: In the Create Compute Instance tab, provide the requested information: Name: Choose a name for your instance. (In the example: VMLINUXmachine) Select an available domain for your instance: Choose the first available domain (In the example: ysjg: PHX-AD-1) Choose an operating system or image source: Keep the option available on Oracle. Image Operating System: Oracle Linux 7.6 Choose instance type: Choose “Virtual Machine” Shape: We will…

Oracle Database 18c: Creating the Virtual Network (Virtual Cloud Network)

In the Virtual Cloud Network tab click on the “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button: In the Virtual Cloud Networks tab click on the “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button: You will then be presented with the screen to create the Virtual Cloud Network, where it is necessary to specify all the information for the VNC configuration: In the Virtual Cloud Network tab choose the option “Create Virtual Cloud Network plus related resources” to create the VNC only with public subnets: Click the “Create Virtual Cloud Network” button and a screen with…

Oracle Database 18c: Provisioning the Oracle Autonomous Database in the Cloud

For this step you will need to create the account in the Oracle Cloud with this link, . Before you provide the database you need to create a Compartment. If you have not yet created one click on “Identity” and later on “Compartments” under the “Governance and Administration” tab of the menu: Then click “Create Compartment” if there is none existing : The root compartment is the first compartment created. From it, it is possible to create other compartments by using them as an option in the “Parent Compartment”…

Creating a CDB database by command line

    Sometimes the Oracle DBA needs to create a CDB database without DBCA. This procedure is possible. However, it is needed some additional steps to be done. For instance, to run some scripts to create components who DBCA utilitty create automatically.  Therefore, in this post I am going to show how to create a CDB database by command line: Create directories for the Oracle Database. As the database will be named “db2”, some file system structures will contain this word:   Create the init<SID>.ora file at $ORACLE_HOME/dbs: Start the…

Simple way how to use Database Point-in-Time Recovery

There are some situations where it is relevant for DBA to use FLASHBACK or Database Point-in-Time Recovery such as when a user modifies some data incorrectly or also when an upgrade failed and if it wishes to revert the previous situation of the database among several others possibilities. With this, in this post I will be explaining in a simple way how to use Database Point-in-Time Recovery. Therefore, I will be considering some requirements for this operation be possible: – The database must be enabled in Archivelog mode: – The…