I am happy to announce that I will be delivering the presentation “Beginner-friendly Python for Oracle Techies” at Oracle Groundbreakers Yatra Online 2020 (AIOUG – ALL INDIA ORACLE USERS GROUP) . Follow the information below: brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred, and I am also a naturalized Swedish citizen. I am a former Oracle ACE and, to keep up with academic research, I am a Computer Scientist with an MSc in Data Science and another MSc in Software Engineering. I have over ten years of experience working…
Author: brunors
LuxOUG Virtual Tech Days 2020 – I’m speaking
Join us on LuxOUG (Luxembourg Oracle User Group) 🇱🇺 Virtual Tech Days, from 22/06 to 25/06 17:00 CEST. We will start at 17:00 CEST on all days of the eventhttps://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ Agenda and subscription – Totally Free!https://www.luxoug.org/luxoug-virtual-tech-days/ =====================================Junte-se a nós no LuxOUG Virtual Tech Days, de 22/06 a 25/06 17:00 CEST. Começaremos às 17:00 CEST em todos os dias do eventohttps://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/ Agenda e registro no evento – Totalmente grátis!https://www.luxoug.org/luxoug-virtual-tech-days/ brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred, and I am also a naturalized Swedish citizen. I am a former Oracle…
Finally an Oracle ACE!
On October 2017, I received an e-mail from the Oracle Corporation saying that my “self-apply” to become an Oracle ACE Associate was successful and I have was accepted and became the first Oracle ACE Associate in Hungary (I lived there at that time). I have even written a post about this: Yesterday, Jun 16, 2020, it was the birthday of a very close friend of mine living in Australia and after a few hours of having a call with him, to wish him all the best during his day, I…
Comparing files to be used by an Oracle External tables using Python3
Since I started to work using Python to automate some tasks on my Since I started working with Python to automate some tasks in my environment. I also started to think about what I can get from it. Python is powerful and there are a lot to be explorered from it and I am a DBA person and I am slowly getting to know this programming language. I started to create some scripts for fun and that is the topic of this post . Remember that on this blog you…
#9 DIÁRIO DE UM DBA – PG.ConfBrasil 2020 – Online
Fala pessoa! Hoje, dia 04 de Junho, se inicia o PG.ConfBrasil 2020, o maior evento da América latina para banco de dados PostGreSQL . Devido ao momento vivido atualmente a edição atual será online e contará como sempre com um excelente time de palestrantes, como por exemplo Fabio Telles, consultante da prestigiada Timbira, Bruce Momjian e outros feras . O evento é gratuito e você poderá ficar por dentro das paletras na página oficial do evento: https://www.pgconf.com.br/2020/. Não fique de fora dessa! brunorsHi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and…
Connecting to Oracle Database using cx_Oracle module 7 for Python
In this post I will simply show how to connect to an Oracle database using Python 3 in an Oracle Linux 7.6 OS. One of the things that you have to do is to install Python in your OS. By default, Oracle Linux 7.6 comes with Python 7.6 but from 7.7 ownwards it comes with the version Python 3. If you wish to install the Python 3 in your system I do recommend you to take a look at one of my blog posts about this topic: “Installing Python 3…
Installing Python 3 on Oracle Linux 7.6
There are several ways to install python 3 on Oracle Linux 7 systems. You can either perform an installation using an EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) repository or the Software Collection Library (SCL) which requires that you perform other types of commands. However, on this post I am going to install from the the Oracle Linux 7 latest repository which is also another method besides the two previously mentioned. Also the OS will be an Oracle Linux 7.6 that comes installed by default, the version 2.7 of Python is…
Oracle 12cR1: Moving tablespace by using the transportable tablespace feature from a Solaris Operating System (x86-64) to a Linux x86 64-bit system
This post will be about Cross-platform transportable tablespace. Cross-platform transportable tablespace is a technique where you can copy a tablespace from a database running in one platform to another platform. Also Cross-platform transportable tablespace isn’t the same as Cross-platform transportable database. In this instance the whole database is copied including the SYSTEM tablespace. In this post we are going to copy a tablespace from one database to another database. Then the first thing you have to know is the internal names for each platform that supports cross-platform data transport and…
Join the OraWORLD magazine! It’s free!
I have added to my blog a banner about the OraWorld magazine. This magazine is free and technical about Oracle contents. To get this magazine you only have to go through this link http://www.oraworld.org/home/, click on the “Subscribe to Newsletter” tab and fill in your information like e-mail, name, last name, user group (if you a part of one), accept all terms and then submit your subscription. Once this is done, you will receive an e-mail in your e-mail box. If you don’t find the e-mail from the magazine, take…
#8 DIÁRIO DE UM DBA – GUORS: I Encontro de Usuários Oracle do RS 2020
Faz exatamente 1 ano e 6 dias desde que eu escrevi o meu últigo post sobre essa série que eu criei no meu blog para escrever em português e escrever sobre eventos e notícías do universo Oracle no Brasil. Pois é meus amigos… 1 ano e 6 dias mas isso não quer dizer que o blog ficou parado não. Desde então, teve vários outros posts mas na língua inglesa e não sobre esta série. Por isso, me desculpem ! 🙂 Voltamos com tudo e agora para falar do evento GUORS:…