I have done some migrations from Oracle On-premise to Oracle AWS RDS using the AWS DMS (Data Migration Services) . However, while I was giving a lecture in Sweden I found out that the CDC is not supported in Oracle 12 and onward. Mathias Magnusson, one of the Oracle Aces (Oracle Ace Program) in Sweden asked me if the Amazon CDC mentioned in my presentation was the same CDC in the Oracle Database.
At that moment I didn’t have the information but after the presentation and some research I found that their names are just similar to the AWS DMS which is in reference to an ongoing replication at CDC as it captures changed data from the source database and replicates it to the target database. AWS DMS supports ongoing replication(CDC) for Oracle 12C using two modes, namely Log miner and Binary reader.
Using an Oracle Database as a Source for AWS DMS – Using Oracle LogMiner or Oracle Binary Reader for Change Data Capture (CDC):
Oracle MOS: 12c Streams And Change Data Capture (CDC) Support (Doc ID 1644090.1)
Hi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred, and I am also a naturalized Swedish citizen. I am a former Oracle ACE and, to keep up with academic research, I am a Computer Scientist with an MSc in Data Science and another MSc in Software Engineering. I have over ten years of experience working with companies such as IBM, Epico Tech, and Playtech across three different countries (Brazil, Hungary, and Sweden), and I have joined projects remotely in many others. I am super excited to share my interests in Databases, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Data Science, Data Engineering, Big Data, AI, Programming, Software Engineering, and data in general.
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