Creating a CDB Without Using Oracle Managed Files

The following procedure below aims to create an Oracle 12c database by command line with only the CDB by enabling the ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE = TRUE parameter for a possible creation of PDBs in the future. Therefore, it follows the procedures: Creating database directories and granting permissions to the oracle user: Creating the database pfile with the ENABLE_PLUGGABLE_DATABASE parameter set to TRUE, this way it will be possible to create PDBs in the future:   Setting the environment variable and initializing the database in NOMOUNT status:   Creation of the database:  …

ORA-65093: multitenant container database not set up properly

I was creating a CDB database when I got the following error: Why did I get this error? Because I forgot to add the enable_pluggable_database parameter with the value to TRUE in the parameter file. Therefore, Oracle understood that I was creating a NON-CDB database instead of a CDB. After I added the parameter in the parameter file, it was possible to continue with the creation of the CDB database. enable_pluggable_database parameter with the value to TRUE Restating the instance with the new parameter:   Creating the CDB database again:…

Fixing PRVF-0002 : Could not retrieve local node name

I was installing Oracle stand alone 12c while during the installation I got the following error: This error occurs because Oracle did not find the server name during the lookup operation. So how to solve this? The answer is simple. Just add the server name in the /etc/ hosts (as the example in the picture below: dbdg.localdomain dbdg) file with the root user and then proceed with the installation:   Estava instalando o Oracle stand alone 12c quando durante a instalação obtive o seguinte erro: Este erro acontece porque…

ORA-12528: TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections

If you are doing a duplicate (except an Active duplication) to create a Standby database and received the following error below: You should add the entry “(UR = A)” in tnsnames.ora for the target and source database. (Feature of Oracle 10g). As the example below in the tnsnames.ora: Se você estiver fazendo um duplicate (exceto um Active duplication) para criar um banco de dados do tipo Standby e recebeu o seguinte erro abaixo: Você deverá adicionar a entrada “(UR = A)” no tnsnames.ora para o aliás dos bancos de dados…