Estava instalando o VirtualBox 5.1.10 Guest Additions na minha máquina virtual para reconhecimento de arquivos fora da camada da mesma, quando recebi o seguinte erro:
[root@host01 VBOXADDITIONS_5.1.10_112026]# sh Verifying archive integrity... All good. Uncompressing VirtualBox 5.1.10 Guest Additions for Linux........... VirtualBox Guest Additions installer Removing installed version 5.1.10 of VirtualBox Guest Additions... Stopping VirtualBox Additions. Copying additional installer modules ... Installing additional modules ... Building Guest Additions kernel modules. Failed to set up service vboxadd, please check the log file /var/log/VBoxGuestAdditions.log for details.
Verificando o log:
[root@host01 VBOXADDITIONS_5.1.10_112026]# cat /var/log/VBoxGuestAdditions.log failed: Look at /var/log/vboxadd-install.log to find out what went wrong. failed: Please check that you have gcc, make, the header files for your Linux kernel and possibly perl installed.. chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file `/usr/lib64/VBoxGuestAdditions/mount.vboxsf' [root@host01 VBOXADDITIONS_5.1.10_112026]# cat /var/log/vboxadd-install.log /tmp/vbox.0/Makefile.include.header:97: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR=<directory> and run Make again. Stop. Creating user for the Guest Additions.
A solução encontrada foi instalar os seguintes pacotes:
1.yum update gcc
2. yum update
3. yum install kernel-uek-devel
Hi! I am Bruno, a Brazilian born and bred, and I am also a naturalized Swedish citizen. I am a former Oracle ACE and, to keep up with academic research, I am a Computer Scientist with an MSc in Data Science and another MSc in Software Engineering. I have over ten years of experience working with companies such as IBM, Epico Tech, and Playtech across three different countries (Brazil, Hungary, and Sweden), and I have joined projects remotely in many others. I am super excited to share my interests in Databases, Cybersecurity, Cloud, Data Science, Data Engineering, Big Data, AI, Programming, Software Engineering, and data in general.
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